About Us

The School Education Department is the largest department consisting of Primary and Secondary stages, assumes grater significance and aims at imparting minimum and essential general education to all the children in the age group of 6-15 years and to equip them with necessary competencies to shape them as useful and productive citizens.

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Contact Us

  • O/o Director of School Education, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500004
  •        Fax No. 040 - 23236354
  •        Email Id: tg.cdse@gmail.com,

Dr. Yogita Rana, IAS
Secretary to Government


Sri. E.V.Narasimha Reddy, IAS
Director of School Education.

Telangana Commissioner and Director of School Education
S. No. Name of the Official Designation Phone No. Cell Number
1 Sri. E.V. Narasimha Reddy, IAS Director of School Education 040-23232343 -
2 Sri. K. Lingaiah Additional Director (C) & Services, MDM 9849909119
3 Smt. Radha Reddy Additional State Project Director (Samagra Shiksha) 7702201225
4 Sri. S. Srinivasa Chary Additional Director (Model Schools) 7416451135
5 Sri. P. Madan Mohan Joint Director (Services) & Planning 9154843201
6 Sri. P. Rajeev Joint Director, Samagra Shiksha 8790009858
7 Smt. B.V. Narasamma Joint Director, Samagra Shiksha 7386055576
8 Sri. B. Venkanna Finance Controller (Samagra Shiksha) 04023232343 7680910096
9 Sri. P. Sai Ram Accounts Officer, DSE 7032705538
10 Sri. N.S.S. Prasad Deputy Director 9440145151
11 Smt. G. Shailaja Assistant Director (Personal) 9247261195
12 Sri. A. Shiva Krishna Assistant Director (Financial) 9885022450
13 Sri. G. Paramesham Assistant Director (Medical) 9441063401
14 Sri. C. Srinivasulu Assistant Director, Samagra Shiksha 9959991067

HODs Under Control of School Education
S. No. Name of the Official Designation Phone No. Cell Number
1 Sri. A. Krishna Rao Director, Govt., Examination 040-23230942 7337581815
2 Smt. G. Usha Rani Director, Adult Education 040-23211513 9849005173
3 Sri. Ch. Ramana Kumar Director, Telangana Government Text Book Press 040-23234839 9701345239
4 Sri. P.V. Srihari Director, Telangana Open School Society 040-23299568 8977174764
5 Sri. G. Ramesh Director, SCERT 040-23243191 9059938909
6 Sri. Ch. Ramana Kumar Secretary, TSREIS 040-24734899 9701345239
7 Smt. B. Radha Reddy Secretary, HPS(FAC) 7702201225
8 Smt. S. Vijaya Laxmi Bai Jawahar Bal Bhavan(FAC) 040-23233956 9177619304
9 Smt. S. Vijaya Laxmi Bai Director, SIET 9177619304
10 Sri. S. Sreenivasa Chary Director Public Libraries (FAC) 040-24619127 8977174764
11 Sri. Ram Reddy Secretary, School Games Federation & Principal GCPE 7032910092
12 Smt. A. Usha Rani Principal, IASE 9246967778
13 DSE Toll Free No. Director of School Education 18004257462
14 Samagra Shiksha Toll Free No. State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha 18004253525

RJDs Under Control of School Education
S. No. District Name Name of the RJDSE Cell No. E-Mail Ids
1 HYDERABAD Smt. E. Vijayalakshmi 9849909147 rjdse_hyd@yahoo.co.in
2 WARANGAL Sri. K. Satyanarayana Reddy 9849909148 rjdse_wgl@yahoo.co.in

DEOs Under Control of School Education
S. No. District Name Name of the DEO Cell No. E-Mail Ids
1 MAHABUBNAGAR A. Praveen Kumar (FAC) 7995087600 deo_mbnr@yahoo.co.in
2 WANAPARTHY M. Govinda Raju (FAC) 7995087601 deowanaparthy@gmail.com
3 NAGARKURNOOL Ramesh 7995087602 deongkl40@gmail.com
4 JOGULAMBA Mohd Sirajuddin (FAC) 7995087603 deogadwal@gmail.com
5 RANGAREDDY P. Suseendra Rao (FAC) 7995087604 deo.rrd@gmail.com
6 MEDCHAL Vijayakumari (FAC) 7995087605 deo.medchal@gmail.com
7 VIKARABAD G. Renuka Devi (FAC) 7995087606 deo.vikarabad@gmail.com
8 HYDERABAD R. Rohini 7995087607 deo_hydbad@yahoo.co.in
9 MEDAK D. Radha Kishan (FAC) 7995087618 deomedak2016@gmail.com
10 SANGAREDDY S. Venkateshwarlu 9618403071 deosangareddy@gmail.com
11 SIDDIPET E. Srinivas Reddy (FAC) 7995087610 deosiddipet@gmail.com
12 NARAYANAPET A. Ravinder 7995087600 deonrpt@gmail.com
13 NIZAMABAD P. Ashok 7995087611 deo_nzb@yahoo.co.in
14 KAMAREDDY S. Raju (FAC) 7995087612 deokamareddy@gmail.com
15 ADILABAD Pranitha (FAC) 7995087613 deo_adb@yahoo.co.in
16 NIRMAL A. Ravinder Reddy (FAC) 7995087614 deonirmal2016@gmail.com
17 KOMARAM BHEEM P. Ashok (FAC) 7995087615 deokumrambheem@gmail.com
18 MANCHERIAL S. Yadaiah (FAC) 7995087616 deomncl@gmail.com
19 KARIMNAGAR Ch. V.S. Janardhan Rao 7995087617 deo.karimnagar@yahoo.com
20 RAJANNA Dr B. Jaganmohan Reddy (FAC) 8106999625 deosiricilla@gmail.com
21 JAGTIAL Dr B. Jaganmohan Reddy (FAC) 7995087619 deojagtial123@gmail.com
22 PEDDAPALLI D. Madhavi (FAC) 7995087620 deopeddapalli@gmail.com
23 HANUMAKONDA Md Abdul Hai (FAC) 7995087621 deowglurban@gmail.com
24 WARANGAL Ghenshwar (FAC) 7995087622 deowglrural@gmail.com
25 JANGAON T. Ramu (FAC) 7995087623 deojangaon@gmail.com
26 JAYASHANKAR N. Ram Kumar (FAC) 9701077750 deojayshankar@gmail.com
27 MAHABUBABAD P. Rama Rao(FAC) 7995087625 deomahbad@gmail.com
28 KHAMMAM E.S.S. Sharma (FAC) 7995087626 deo_khm@yahoo.co.in
29 BHADRADRI E.Soma Sekhara Sharma (FAC) 9154278988 deobhadradri@gmail.com
30 NALGONDA B. Bixapathy (FAC) 7995087628 deo_nlg@yahoo.co.in
31 SURYAPET K. .Ashok (FAC) 7995087629 deo_spt@yahoo.com
32 YADADRI Satya Narayana(FAC) 7995087630 deo_ydd@yahoo.com
33 MULUGU G. Panini(FAC) 8309579430 deomulugu@gmail.com